Help & Support

Sadly, Afound will be closing down by September 24th.  But don’t worry, your orders, refunds and returns will be processed as usual.


Report a legal issue on this product page

With this form, you're taking steps to file a legal complaint based on the EU Digital Services Act.


If you are searching for something else, you can find answers on various topics in our FAQ.


Please provide your reasons

Describe the content you're reporting and why you think it might violate the EU Digital Services Act. If you can, please mention any specific laws, rules, or policies it might be breaking.

Review and confirm

Your reason for reporting


Please confirm that your report is as accurate and complete as possible and that you're acting in good faith.

How can we contact you?

We'll keep you informed about the actions we take or ask for more information if needed.

Help us identify your report

Please submit the email address registered with the authorities in case you are a trusted reporter, as per Article 22 of the Digital Services Act. This helps us process your report correctly.

Thank you for informing us

Our team will now look into whether the content you flagged breaches with any laws or our policies. If it does, we will remove it or take any necessary actions. In any case, we'll keep you informed.

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